Online Fundraising For K9 Units, First Responders,
and Emergency Community Needs.
Nonprofit 501(C)(3) EIN: 93-3828532 UBI: 605 348 230 UEI: XCFLD7S69XP6
K9 Storm Intruder Camera System & Commander Fundraising
Start at the 28 Minute Mark For Intruder Camera System information
Apply for Intruder Camera System and Commander:
K9s that qualify for the K9 Storm Intruder Camera System Fundraising:
Has K9 Storm vest(s)
K9 is in SWAT
The board will look at the following:​
What is your call volume?
What are your K9 Stats?
Who are your neighboring K9 agencies?
The fundraising team will examine your community involvement with social media.
K9 units must fit all the required needs, and your PIO, K9 handler, and Sheriff or Police Chief must be interviewed before fundraising. The value of this equipment is equivalent to three years of an in-state college education and requires local sponsors and publicity.